Amy Berndt Designer

Amy Berndt


Amy is originally from Northern Wisconsin and has lived in Indiana with her husband and three children for over 20 years. She has a degree in Interior Design from the Purdue School of Engineering and is certified in “green” design.

Amy’s specialty is three-dimensional computer modeling to bring buildings to life and help clients visualize possible designs. She loves using space, texture and color to bring design concepts together. Amy enjoys helping people through the sometimes overwhelming selection process.

“I have a passion for the process of transformation; making spaces as functional and beautiful for a family as possible. I feel fortunate to have a job where I can pursue my love of design and work with people to realize their visions. I like creating interiors which reflect a client’s personality and lifestyle.”

Amy enjoys reading, baking and spending time with her family. She likes to travel and has visited Europe and South America to visit family and friends. Amy keeps bees with her husband at their home in Westfield and enjoys processing the honey. She cultivates several perennial gardens for their bees and other local wildlife.

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