Four apps every house hunter needs

zillow app

They don’t call them “smartphones” for nothing. Your mobile device is useful for time wasters like showing you cute pictures of cats and imitating flatulence but it also has a slew of very practical applications. The world of real estate has been changed forever because of smartphones. Now you can conduct your entire house search from the palm of your hand (although I still recommend going on an actual tour of your prospective home). Here are a few of the best apps out there for those who are house-hunting. logoThis app boasts the largest selection of properties in the world. According to the company’s claim, they have more than 3 million listings. With that many options, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find the place that’s right for you.


zillow logoZillow is so on top of things that they created their own non-binding house appraisal system. Users can get Zestimates using Zillow’s proprietary formula which takes a myriad of details into account when assessing a property’s value. The app also allows you to search for homes by area code and gives you user reviews and pictures.

The Mortgage Calculator

Does anyone else remember sitting through accounting classes hearing them talk about amortization tables? The very word makes me tense up because it’s a hard concept to wrap your head around. Fortunately, there’s an app for that. The Mortgage Calculator allows you to calculate your amortization, monthly rate and price per square foot. An extremely useful app for the mathematically challenged.


evernote logoEvernote is a handy little app that basically acts as a multi-platform note-taking system. This app stores all of your notes in the Cloud so notes taken on your phone are automatically basked up in the Cloud so they show up on your computer and tablet as well. You can take a picture of a great looking house that is out of one-sheets and geo-tag it so that you’re able to find your way back at a later date. The app allows for picture messages, voice memos and text notes.

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