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Consider fiber cement siding | Indianapolis home improvement

carmel fiber cement siding indiana

Greenwood Indiana fiber cement sidingIs siding replacement at the top of the list of home improvement and remodel projects for your Indianapolis home? If so, you have a few options.

Of course there is wood siding as well as vinyl siding.  Both have there advantages and disadvantages. However, fiber cement siding outweighs both wood and vinyl in terms of performance and longevity, providing the best bang for your buck.

What is fiber cement siding? Basically, fiber cement it is made up of sand, cement and cellulose. Like wood siding, fiber cement can be installed horizontally or vertically.While the product is made to mimic the appearance of wood siding, that is where the similarity ends. There are many advantages to fiber cement when compared to wood.

First, fiber cement typically comes with a warranty.  One of the major brands, James Hardie, offers a 50 year warranty on their fiber cement siding. Wood siding does not offer a warranty and for good reason. The longevity of fiber cement far exceeds that of most wood products.

Another advantage of fiber cement siding is it is insect and rot resistant. Termites will not chew on fiber cement and as long as the product is painted or sealed correctly, it will not rot. In addition, fiber cement has a class A fire rating.

Also, fiber cement holds paint very well. Wood siding will expand and contract much more than fiber cements, which will cause paint to fail and the siding will need to be repainted more frequently.

How about cost? In comparison to wood siding and vinyl siding, fiber cement does cost the most, but not by much. Fiber cement siding is a little more labor intensive to install. However, the long life of the product will pay back the difference in price.

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