Indianapolis Home Exercise Room | How to get a space you will use?


Yet another New Year will soon be upon us. Wow, where does the time go? The impending doom of New Years Resolutions…..will we stick with our goals, or merely let them go for another year?

Amongst the many popular resolutions is one to become healthy and “in shape”. If you’re like me, this has been a repeated resolution for many years.

The question is, how can we increase our chances of sticking with our goal? The request of the creation of home exercise spaces has been increasing over the years. Whether it is an unused bedroom, a study or perhaps a space in an existing basement, it is not necessarily the “space” we choose, rather it is how we define the space.

Our odds of success depend on the appeal of the space.  Is your equipment set up in a cluttered, multi-purpose area (see photo above)? Maybe you have it in your bedroom or maybe it is in a dark, uninviting space in an unfinished basement? Keeping our exercise space free from distraction is a key point. As well, the decor we choose can have an impact along with the amenities we provide.

A brightly painted, inviting space will have a psychological affect on our desire to step into that “space” and take care of business.  Including murals or artwork and having a stereo or television may help in providing just enough of a distraction to make your workouts less dreadful. This is especially true when first starting out. A desirable space will increase the likelihood of making a daily workout a long-lasting routine.

Here are a few more tips from Houzz to help you design your home workout haven!

  1. Give is spa-elements. Add plants and candles to give a more relaxed feeling to a formal workout space in your home. The gym equipment and TV here lend themselves well to exercise but the candles and plants add a sense of relaxation and meditation that is great for home gyms.
  2. Work out with a view. Personally I love the idea of setting up an exercise space so that it looks out onto the yard. This makes it easy to daydream while working out so that you forget what hard work you’re doing on the equipment!
  3. Check out your progress. A mirror is a great idea in your exercise space. It helps you to see your own form so that you get better and better at your workouts.
  4. Add inspiration to stay motivated. Add an inspiring photo to your gym space like the retro fitness posters we see here. This is a fun reminder of what the space is for.
  5. Feng Shui your workout space. It is important to keep your gym equipment organized regardless of how much or little space you have. The layout here is a great example of good organization. Also consider storage cubbies for smaller weights, yoga mats, etc.
  6. Keep it simple. Some people find that large rooms filled with lots of gym equipment are distracting or intimidating. In that case, try a small room with very simple decor and one major piece of gym equipment.
  7. Add a lap pool. Remember that one great way to workout at home is by swimming. A small lap pool (indoors or out) can be a great investment for the home.
  8. Minimize the clutter. Use large uncluttered floor space in your room for non-machine workouts. Yoga, aerobics, simple stretches and dance can all be enjoyed in a space such as this.
  9. Create a dedicated space. Create a workout space that is set apart from the home. Every time you head to this space, your mind and body will know that you’re going there for the purpose of working out. A shed or garage is the ideal space for this.

I’m interested in knowing how YOU define and create your personal workout space?  Is there anything you would do differently, or anything you can think of that would add to the space. What kind of flooring does your space have? Do you have a stereo or TV or both? Anything else you have found that helps?  Feel free to leave your comments below, OR email them to us!

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